SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE BillingState IN ('California', 'New York')
SELECT AccountId, FirstName, lastname FROM Contact WHERE lastname LIKE 'appl%'
SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE BillingState NOT IN ('California', 'New York')
SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id NOT IN ( SELECT AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE IsClosed = false )
SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Parent.Name = 'myaccount'
Account A = new Account(Name='xxx'); insert A; Account B; // A simple bind B = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id = :A.Id]; // A bind with arithmetic B = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = :('x' + 'xx')]; String s = 'XXX'; // A bind with expressions B = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = :'XXXX'.substring(0,3)]; // A bind with an expression that is itself a query result B = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = :[SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :A.Id].Name]; Contact C = new Contact(LastName='xxx', AccountId=A.Id); insert new Contact[]{C, new Contact(LastName='yyy',}; // Binds in both the parent and aggregate queries B = [SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM Contacts WHERE Id = :C.Id) FROM Account WHERE Id = :A.Id]; // One contact returned Contact D = B.Contacts; // A limit bind Integer i = 1; B = [SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT :i]; // An OFFSET bind Integer offsetVal = 10; List<Account> offsetList = [SELECT Id FROM Account OFFSET :offsetVal]; // An IN-bind with an Id list. Note that a list of sObjects // can also be used--the Ids of the objects are used for // the bind Contact[] cc = [SELECT Id FROM Contact LIMIT 2]; Task[] tt = [SELECT Id FROM Task WHERE WhoId IN :cc]; // An IN-bind with a String list String[] ss = new String[]{'a', 'b'}; Account[] aa = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE AccountNumber IN :ss]; // A SOSL query with binds in all possible clauses String myString1 = 'aaa'; String myString2 = 'bbb'; Integer myInt3 = 11; String myString4 = 'ccc'; Integer myInt5 = 22; List<List<SObject>> searchList = [FIND :myString1 IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account (Id, Name WHERE Name LIKE :myString2 LIMIT :myInt3), Contact, Opportunity, Lead WITH DIVISION =:myString4 LIMIT :myInt5];
List keyAccounts;
「WHERE ID IN :keyAccounts」