

        String tp = 'tptest';         
        String pt = 'pttest';
	Date todayDate = Date.today();
        String soql = 'SELECT Name ' + 
                        ' FROM Test__c ' +
                        ' WHERE TestCo__c = ' + '\'' + this.co + '\''+
                            ' and TestPt__c = ' + '\'' +  pt + '\'' +
                            ' and TestDt1__c <= : todayDate ' +
                            ' and TestDt2__c >= : todayDate ';
            soql += ' and TestTp__c = ' + '\'' + tp + '\'' ;
        soql += ' Order by Name '; 
         List<Test__c> results = Database.query(soql);

投稿者: kinkun

保有資格 Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder T Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II Salesforce Certified Administrator


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